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Yoga and BirthFit Classes

Enjoy taking care of your body through every season of your life. 

Strengthen the mind and body before, during and after pregnancy with BirthFit


Sacred Flow Yoga

Cultivate health, wellness and happiness from the inside out, deepen your physical and spiritual practice. Every class is themed around a yoga philosophy, an intentional and dynamic warm up, it heats up with a creative flow and ends with a restorative cool down for complete body and mind relaxation. 


Understanding and including the journey of the beginner, classes are designed for all levels of practitioners with modifications and variations offered throughout class.


Increase your connection to self and others. Love, respect and honor the wisdom of your physical and emotional body through movement and yoga philosophy come for the workout leave with inspiration.


BirthFit Postpartum 9:00-10:00am

BirthFit Prenatal 5:00- 6:00pm

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BirthFit classes are designed to encourage fitness from preconception through the first year postpartum. With a heavy focus on functional progression and core and pelvic floor health this class will teach you to move safely and effectively throughout pregnancy and beyond. Movement is proven to reduce negative birth outcomes and improve rates of recovery postpartum. This is a strength and conditioning class for moms who want to stay in shape as well as for athletes who want to continue moving their body as it changes. 



This class is designed to help pregnant mothers feel strong and comfortable in their changing body as well as learn how to safely exercise throughout pregnancy. Not only is it a yoga and fitness class but there is a lot of birth preparation tips and tricks woven through each class. This class provides moms to connect with other mothers and create   community as they grow and change. 


This class is perfect for the couple who wants to learn more about labor and delivery and how to use comfort measures and pain management techniques both as the birthing person and their support. This is a hands on class that will help you feel more comfortable with the entire process as well as insight and preparation for the postpartum period. 


Group and individual sessions available

Contact Us for More Info!

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Private classes allow you to work on your personal health goals  that make sense for you on your schedule and body and at your own pace. These private sessions allow you to ease into a fitness routine with proper alignment and a clear focus on your goals and needs.


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